An Eventual Injury
It was bound to happen, and I can only assume it will happen many more times in the future, no matter how careful I am. I injured myself training, and had to take a few weeks off. You're probably wondering what the big deal is, or why I would even mention it, as it's just a part of the process, and nothing to be concerned about, and I get that. Hear me out, though... Thanksgiving was about to hit, and I was pretty scared. Despite all the warnings and everyone else being just as scared as I was, there were a LOT of people visiting relatives for the holiday. Not just getting in their cars for a few hours down the highway, but loading up their entire immediate family into a crowded airport, then onto a crowded airplane, and then into yet another crowded airport. Then into a cab that picks up travelers from the airport all day long. Then they meet with their elderly parents with their siblings who did the exact s...